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Virtual Tour to Pulau Ubin!

14 July

Excursions are such a fun and important part of the preschool experience. However, we had to do our part to stay safe and stay indoors during these June Holidays… so our BibiNogs Preschool K.A. teachers got creative and brought the excursion to the children! We were so excited to go on an “excursion” to Pulau Ubin, via virtual tour, especially with these fringe activities that completed the experience!

Packing our bag for the excursion! Check, check, and… check!

Making sure everything goes in…

“I spotted a frog!”

Discovering the items we saw in the video. This is an Asam fruit!

What does it look like? What does it smell like? How does it feel? Can we cut it up?

What is that smell???

We had so much fun on this “excursion”, but we are also very much looking forward to going on a real field trip. In the meantime, let us all continue doing our part to stay safe!

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