We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your child. In order for the school and our staff to carry out our duties more efficiently and effectively, please read our school policy and enrolment conditions carefully before enrolment. Once your child is enrolled, we hope to have your compliance and support with the following terms and conditions.
Thank you.
1. Fee Structure and Term Period
2. School Fee Payment
3. Compulsory Payment of Registration Fee and Deposit
4. Forfeiture of Deposit
5. Withdrawal Notice for Deposit Refund
6. Deposit Refund
7. Make-up Class
8. Sick Child Policy
9. Students Diet and Food Allergy
10. Drop-off and Pick-up Policy
11. School Uniforms
12. Socks-in-School Policy
13. School Closure Dates
1. Fee Structure and Term Period
All programme fees quoted are for a 12-weeks term period and are shown NETT. There are 4 terms per calendar year.
The school reserves the right to revise its fee at any time as it sees fit.
All parents are reminded that fees have to be paid in full by at least one week prior to the commencement of every new school term. The school reserves the right to refuse the admittance to children whose parents have fees still unpaid by the due date. Should this happen, the deposit will automatically be forfeited in consideration of insufficient withdrawal notice served and a letter of withdrawal will be presented to that parent.
School fees will NOT be pro-rated/ reduced for non-attendance, regardless of reasons given, including medical reasons.
3. Compulsory Payment of Registration Fee and Deposit.
Besides the school fee, it is mandatory to pay for the registration fee and deposit. The registration fee and deposits are different for some programmes. Please check under the fee details for the programme that your child is enrolling for full fee info. The school will not be able to accept the enrollment of students who do not pay for the registration fee and deposit.
Even if your child is not intending to continue in the following term, parents are still required to pay for the deposit upon enrollment. Your deposit will then be processed for refund during the end of your child’s school term.
The deposit is refundable only after the school has received sufficient notice in writing for withdrawal from the parent, otherwise it will be forfeited under all other circumstances.
5. Withdrawal Notice for Deposit Refund
Withdrawal notice needs to be served in writing with an acknowledgement slip given to the parent by the school as the receipt for notice served. For the parents who claim to have served the withdrawal notice, but are without an acknowledgement slip will not be considered.
Notice period for All Classes:
6 (six) weeks starting from the preceding week of your written notice. For example, if you served the withdrawal notice on a Tuesday in Week 5 of Term 1, then your 6 weeks notice period will be calculated from Week 6 of Term 1 till end of Week 12 of Term 1 (Total of 6 weeks).
The term fees have to be paid in full for these 6 weeks.
The deposit is not to be used to offset any school fee payable during the notice period.
For students who have served sufficient written withdrawal notice, the deposit will be returned to the parents in the form of a refund cheque in Week 12 of the withdrawal term, provided there are no outstanding fees, otherwise the deposit will be used to deduct any outstanding amounts of any kinds owed to the school.
Once the deposit refund cheque has been issued to the parent, in the event of cheque lost/ damaged whereby a new refund cheque needs to be re-issued by the school, the parent shall be liable for any replacement cost involved, including the cheque cancellation fee imposed by the bank to void the first cheque issued. Validity is 6 months from issue date. No cheque shall be re-issued after period of validity.
Each student is entitled to a maximum of 4 make-up classes only per 12-week term.
24-hour advance notice needs to be given to the school if your child needs to miss a class in order to do a make-up. All make-up classes are granted to students subject to availability only, and during times when classes are full there shall then be no make-up class granted as a result. For lack of 24 hours advance notice, make-up class will only be granted only if the child has a Medical Certificate.
Make-up classes are given as goodwill gesture and there is to be no refund or rebate of any kind should the make-up classes not be available for any reasons. All accumulated make-up classes need to be completed within the same school term. There shall be no carry forward of make-up classes to the subsequent term, forfeited if unused.
The school follows strictly to the MOE directive whereby if your child develops a FEVER in school, or is found to have a RUNNY NOSE, or is suspected to have caught any forms of infections illnesses (eg. HFMD, Chicken Pox, etc), the child will be prohibited from joining the class and parents will be notified to take the child home immediately.
The school reserves the rights not to admit into the class any sick students who are sent in by the parents despite being observed to be unwell.
If your child has caught or is suspected to have caught an infectious disease, please kindly alert the school as soon as you know, so that action can be taken immediately to prevent the spreading of the disease.
Medical certificates must accompany absences due to illnesses. The school will also appreciate a phone call if your child is unable to attend school.
Students returning from an infectious illness need to have the certified doctor’s clearance notes to return to school. The school does not accept clearance notes from Chinese Physicians.
The school does not accept instructions from parents to administer any forms of medicine to your child/ children. As our teachers and staff are NOT medically trained and while administering medication to your child does involve certain level of risks due to inappropriate administration. If your child requires medication during the day, it will be better to keep your child at home until he/ she has fully recovered.
9. Students Diet and Food Allergy
If your child takes lunch in school but has special dietary requirement (eg. Vegan diet, Vegetarian, etc.), the school will not be able to cater for such needs. The parent will be asked to send in a home lunch for your child. In this event, there will not be any fee deduction made to the school fee despite your child not able to consume the school lunch.
The school observes a nut and chocolate-free snack policy. Please refrain from sending food items with nuts or chocolate to school with your child. The school must be alerted to any food allergies a child has at the time of his/her registration.
If your child requires medication (eg. Epipen for Peanut Allergy) to be given in school as a precautionary measure in the event of outbreak, you need to fill in an indemnity form (download here) and sign on it to be given to the class teacher before any medication will be administered to your child with this condition.
10. Drop-off and Pick-up Policy
Parents are not to drop your child off prior to class commencement time, as adult supervision in the school will only commence from the start time of your child’s class.
Parents are to sign your child in during drop-off and sign out during pick-up.
The school will only release the child to the person whom the class teacher knows. If it is somebody other than the parents picking up the child, they must be brought to the school administrator or class teacher to be introduced by the parents personally. Otherwise, the school will regretfully NOT release the child to that person, even though the child may be familiar with that person.
During emergency situations whereby the parent needs to send in another caregiver to pick up the child at the last minute, the parent needs to then call in to the school and speak to the school administrator or the class teacher personally to give such instructions.
We urge all parents to pick up your child timely after class. The school will appreciate a call should the parent runs late for pick-up.
Please drop your child off no more than 5 minutes before the start of the class. After class ends, there is a 15-minute grace period to pick up your child. An early drop-off or late pick-up fee of $10 per 15-minute block will apply. This early/late fee must be paid when you pick up your child or by the child’s next visit to the school.
Students in the Pre-nursery/Nursery/Kindergarten classes are required to attend school in clean uniforms. A minimum of 2 sets of uniforms is required to be purchased from the school. Students are not to attend classes in any other forms of attire besides the school uniforms. For students who are consistently observed to not be wearing school uniforms to school will be given three (3) friendly reminders by the school, thereafter the student will then be prohibited from attending classes unless school uniforms are worn.
Students from the Enrichment programmes are not required to be in school uniforms when attending classes.
All students and accompanying adults and are required to wear clean socks in class at all times. This is a compulsory requirement as a preventive measure to minimize skin contact with the floor surface and to minimize the passing on of any forms of contagious diseases between the class attendees. For the welfare of all students, any adults/students who do not wear socks will not be allowed into the class. The school will be supplying the sale of socks at $5 per pair for those who need it.
The school will be closed on all Public Holidays and Teachers’ Day in the year. The School will be closed for a week at the end of the year and for a week over Chinese New Year.
There will also be two (2) Staff Development and Training Days per calendar year that the school will be closed to operate training activities for the Teaching staff.